One constant of the vast prairies of Illinois and Indiana has been the wind that blows restlessly across the fields of corn and soybeans. The bucolic landscape is changing, in that the little family farms are, sadly, slowly disappearing. On the recent trip to Illinois, I was amazed to see hundreds and hundreds of wind turbines, their gracefully turning blades harvesting the prairie winds and turning them into electrical power. There are arguments pro and con for the wind farms, but it's obvious they are to be a part of our future. They seem not to affect the agriculture about them, and are certainly a boon to the income of armers, who have been struggling to make ends meet. The rural Illinois of my early childhood had no electricity at all, no indoor "facilities", and a crank wall phone! My father caught the daily news every evening, sitting in his rocker beside the console floor-model radio. I wonder what he would think of wind farms.