Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Postcard - Spooky

Spooky is the challenge at Sunday Postcard.   Background here is credit to Digital Scrapbook Place, ghost has been in my stash for a while, and I'm not sure of the origin.  I drag him out every Halloween!   Thanks for visiting.


  1. If I ever visit your house, please do not offer me a drink!! This is seriously spooky, Bev, and seriously funny (if that's possible). Thanks for my first chuckle of the day.

  2. This is so cool but I think he is kinda cute.

  3. I agree with Ozstuff but I'd put on a brave face and take that drink! Great that you bring out your spook every year -- so do I.

  4. Wow creepy! I'd take the ghost over the spider any day.

  5. He looks like he's doing a hip hop pose. Maybe it's the ghost of Tupac! :-) Brilliant postcard, Bev.

  6. Stunning postcard, dear Bev!
    Looks fantastic.
