Sunday, February 24, 2019

Take a Word - Round

"Find a wheel and it goes round, round, round
As it skims along with a happy sound
As it goes along the ground, ground, ground
Till it leads you to the one you love"
(Lyrics to an old Perry Como song).


  1. Whoa my eyes are mesmerized by the patterns and circular motion created here- fascinating and fun Bev!

  2. I remember that old Perry Como song. Like Lori I too am mesmerized by the patterns which play tricks with the eyes. Everything seems to be moving. A hugely creative and clever take on this week's theme.

  3. Clever ideas on this one and a really fascinating pattern

    chrissie x

  4. Gosh those circles are really drawing me in to them, like falling in a tunnel, it is a stunning page.

  5. Impressive circles with patterns and whirling effects. Wonderful, Bev👏🔘

  6. Wow you are messing with my eyeballs with this one...very cool and original.

  7. I can almost see them moving. Great idea Bev.
