Ah, my blog friends, I take a moment to remove the egg from my face. When I determined to start a blog, I wanted a catchy title. Thinking of the Latin phrase for I came, I saw, I conquered, I thought how clever I would be to use a portion of it for my blog spot. The result? Vini Vidi Vlog. I was filled with smugness at my clever play on words! And for all these months I've blogged in blissful ignorance. Today, I came across the phrase spelled correctly,--Veni, Vidi, Vici. "NO!", I gasped, "It cannot be!" But alas, it can, and I (who pride myself on my grammar and spelling) have been flying under a misspelled banner for lo these many months. I am suitably bereft. BUT, I am impressed by the kindness and compassion of all my blog friends who resisted the urge to correct me. You will all be relieved to know I FINALLY got it right!