My mother was an independent lady before her time. In addition to the usual duties of a farm wife, she had her own chicken business. She kept her own bank account and careful books. Each Spring she purchased about 500 baby chicks. As they grew, she sold the "boys" and kept the "girls" for her egg business. As a result, I grew up helping to gather, clean, and case the daily "harvest" of eggs in the 30-dozen cases that were picked up weekly by the "egg man". Each egg was handled individually, buffed (if necessary) to pristine condition, and carefully cased small end up. I grew up dreaming of being a "city lady", having tea and playing bridge with friends, with never the need to gather, clean and case another egg! I couldn't resist having a bit of fun with this eggsintric pair, with the help of Flickr collage images. Thanks for looking!