Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mixed Media Monday - Eggs

My mother was an independent lady before her time. In addition to the usual duties of a farm wife, she had her own chicken business. She kept her own bank account and careful books. Each Spring she purchased about 500 baby chicks. As they grew, she sold the "boys" and kept the "girls" for her egg business. As a result, I grew up helping to gather, clean, and case the daily "harvest" of eggs in the 30-dozen cases that were picked up weekly by the "egg man". Each egg was handled individually, buffed (if necessary) to pristine condition, and carefully cased small end up. I grew up dreaming of being a "city lady", having tea and playing bridge with friends, with never the need to gather, clean and case another egg! I couldn't resist having a bit of fun with this eggsintric pair, with the help of Flickr collage images. Thanks for looking!


  1. This page is so cute!! I imagine it did bring back some memories for you growing up. Loved reading about your Mom and the egg business, I imagine she needed all the help she could get...sounds like quite an undertaking. Such a happy fun page, just in time for Easter!

  2. Lovely fun one !! Ohhhh i love your background story too. Nice memory
    hugs June xx

  3. Bev, I love your story about your mother's egg business and your dreams of being a fine city lady, playing bridge with friends. Well, you got what you asked for didn't you? A fine city lady, playing bridge with friends!
    I love your eggcellent couple. They are thoroughly eggsquisite. Quite eggstraordinary, really, my dear.

  4. I loved the story!!!!
    nice art!!!!!!!

  5. Very cute--that's a lot of eggs to gather everyday. Occasionally we would go to my mother in laws and go to gather eggs in the chicken house. I was always afraid those chickens were going to peck me!! But nothing better than fresh eggs!!

  6. This is such a cute piece! I gathered eggs as a little girl, but only for our family's consumption. I was a little leery of the hens, too; because they could sometimes pack quite a "peck"!!!

  7. Egg-cellent, and great fun too, Bev! I enjoyed hearing about your Mom's business and her little "helper". Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Votre histoire est bien interessante ! et je suppose que votre carte amusante est une petite revanche contre les oeufs !
    amicalement Mary.KG

  9. Great story Bev! and those eggs are so cute!!

  10. Love your story! I grew up picking up eggs too... In my family's back yard pens and my cousin's chicken houses. I kind of miss it... Cute collage!

  11. Great story and what a charming entry!

  12. Ha ha ha this is fun.
    Your work is amazing Bev. Perfect. Love them.

  13. Aw there the cutest eggs i have ever seen Brilliant!

  14. Oh an eggcellent pair and such fun too. :O) Bev, I love that you did grow up to be that city lady who plays bridge. Brilliant.

  15. Just can't get away from those eggs...and a good thing! Your art piece is as wonderful as your story of your childhood! And if you've never seen the movie "The Egg and I" (an oldie but goodie), do try to watch it, it's an absolute treat (and a hoot!) LynnF

  16. Oh that's wonderful! I love your art and your post - Kristin xo

  17. oh so so sweeeeeeeeet!!! what a cute egg couple...very clever piece Bev!!!

  18. how absolutely adorable....i wish we could have chickens & eggs here...not allowed by law.

  19. How great that your mother was a woman before her time! This egg piece is too cute! Happy Easter, Bev! cheers!

  20. Wonderful story and fantastic creation!
    Dear Bev,
    I wish you and your familiy a happy Easter.
    MARTINA :-)
