Monday, December 27, 2010

Three Muses - Book

I love libraries, I love books, and I love the smell of old books.    I have to admit I had a bit of impish fun with this one.  The book cover is fashioned by me, and the title and name of author are strictly for laughs.   Hope you enjoy it!


  1. I have to laugh when you said you love the smell of books and the title of the book is a trip to the outhouse!! But really, I know what you mean about the smell of books:))

  2. This one gave me a chuckle, especially with your comments on the smell of old books and the title of the book featured in your piece! Very clevely done! Happy New Year!

  3. lol. You do have a great sense of humor. And yes I love the smell of books. All books smell good no matter where they have been or live. Books are like kids. They always smell, good. Mostly.

    Great picture!

  4. haha, your humor is just my taste!
    (and fun that you released the theme one day early... it´s exactly the same with me: between the years i NEVER know which day of the week we have..., but i think it´s good to be "beyond time" for a while...)

  5. LOL, this is absolutely brilliant, Bev! Do you have the ISBN for that book :)

  6. Of course he made it for is not his best friend Justin Time?

    What a chuckle!! I bet you've got loads more up your sleeve where that one came from. Do share more!!

  7. Very clever, Bev, love your humour! The perfect book to take on 'the trip????' LOL

  8. Bev, I love many kinds of books, and I have a small collection of travel books - but somehow I've never met the book which you have found for your picture... Thank you for making me smile, and thank you for this wonderful theme! P.S. If you have lost count of the days, it's just an indication that your holiday has been a success!

  9. I love the whole concept of this piece Bev - and taking part is always a pleasure!!
    Happy New Year to you! xxx

  10. Your library scene is wonderful, Bev. Gorgeous presentation. I hope you had a nice Christmas. Sending Happy New Year wishes!

  11. Very clever and pertinent!
    Love it

  12. What a hoot! Bev, you are so funny. As one who grew up in the country eons ago in a house with no indoor bathroom, I know first hand that the author's name is appropriate.

  13. I have been trying to come up with some book titles using puns on the author's name but mostly they are not suitable for genteel company. The only clean one is an oldy. "The Magic Forest" by Teresa Green. Yours is just plain hilarious, set as it is in such a refined library. I am wondering if he did, in fact, make it! Oh dear.
    I love your sense of humour, Bev. Fantastic.

  14. Fantastic idea - looks wonderful. I wish you a Happy New Year.
