Sunday, October 4, 2015

Take a Word - Mail Art

It used to be a trip to the mailbox was a certain excitement, and letters were such pleasant surprises.  In today's world of e-mail and texting, letters are becoming extinct and a trip to the mailbox seems to involve only bills and junk mail.  How sad!   I'm sure Miss Matilda found a trip to the mailbox the highlight of one of her days there in Paradise!   Thanks for stopping by my fantasy!


  1. Love your Matilda. Fantasy. I think the email connection on computers have taken the fun away for the real thing. Cards going out as snail mail are less indeed because the post office keeps raising prices on stamps every year.

  2. Klasse!
    Herzlich Pippa

  3. What a joy it would be to receive this beautiful letter in the mail!

  4. "forever pretty lane" !! How pretty :) I still get a yearly letter from my ex-mother in law and I reallty enjoy getting it, opening it, reading it...I think I know what you mean :)

  5. Bev, your envelope is drop dead gorgeous - one of your very best. Beautiful colours and blending.

  6. What a lovely letter to nice to send away.

  7. Beautiful envelope, Bev. Lucky that who gets this kind of post.

  8. Bev your envelope is lovely and creatively made.

  9. Gorgeous envelope, Bev! and your words are sooooo true, letters are few and far between.
