Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Three Muses - HOPE

I've chosen HOPE as my word to carry into the new year.....hope for a safe and kinder world....hope for wisdom for our leaders....hope that those I love will be safe and well.....hope that I am never a burden on my children.


  1. Love the beautiful rainbow of hope Bev- a perfect way to begin the year!

  2. What an excellent word and something we need so badly it seems as if the world has nearly run out. A gorgeous picture to go with a wonderful word.

  3. We truly do need a safer kinder world. I'm hoping right along with you for just that! The colors you've used definitely express hope♥

  4. Interesting visually and good word for the future, Bev.

  5. I love the idea of rays of hope, illustrated so beautifully. Your hopes for the future hit the spot and remind us about the really important things in life.

  6. so inspirational. love those colorful rays of light.

  7. Oh wonderful word for inspiration beautifully illustrated. This is perfect, Bev.

  8. Gorgeous piece. Is that lady you?? And yes...we are all going to need a lot of hope this year...
