Sunday, November 7, 2010

Take A Word - Angel

Marie's challenge word this week is "Angel". The background doorway is credited to Land of Nod. Light beam brush by Obsidian. I don't know if this is my guardian angel, but I know I have one. I narrowly missed a beautiful stag deer who leapt across the road right in front of my car on my way home from my little vacation getaway a couple of weeks ago. My passengers and I gasped and breathed a prayer of gratitude for that flicker of time that kept us from colliding!


  1. Wonderful collage, Astrid! I'm glad your guardian angel has been alert.

  2. Bev, I did it again - called you with another person's name in my comment. I'm so sorry - maybe I should not be doing this in the middle of the night. But anyway, I'm very happy that you have a good guardian angel!

  3. Well Eila must have been a bit clair voyant lol as I used a stone angel just like you.
    Your creation is wonderful Bev and I am so glad your guardian angel looked after you and your companion and the deer also. So glad you were all safe! Sometimes angels work overtime!

  4. What a fabulous creation, Bev!

  5. Bev, your angel and her beautiful surroundings are superb - a lovely soft and touching design. Hey, this is the first I heard about your near encounter with the deer. I hate to think what might have happened if you had hit it. Your guardian angel at work no doubt.

  6. This is beautiful, I love your beam of light. There's a saying now, 'never drive faster thaan your guardian angel can fly' so I guess you were keeping within the limit :o)x

  7. the contrast is so perfect in this lovely piece!

  8. She is lovely Bev...I love angel statues some of them have the most heavenly faces...beautiful work!

  9. Thank goodness you do have guardian angel, Bev, what a fright you had! I love stone angels, you've certainly created a masterpiece with this one!

  10. Thanks to your guardian angel, indeed, Bev!!!! Love this piece...there's serenity and peace about it. Beautifully done!

  11. So glad your guardian angel was on duty, Bev. Beautiful piece.

  12. So beautiful...what a gorgeous image. Love your guardian angel, Bev. So glad your meeting with danger on your vacation did not end up in a disaster. You better keep this one around.

  13. beautiful guardian angel Bev!!!

  14. Lovely peaceful angel. So glad your guardian was on alert during that drive.

  15. I believe she may be your guardian angel Bev ...... just look at the serene concentration on her face ... she is surely looking after you. Delightful.

  16. Oh yes, she is your guardian angel!

  17. She's a wonderful tribute to your guardian angel, Bev! I've too many "coincidences" happen to NOT believe in the presence of those wonderful beings! Hugs, Terri xoxxo

    PS Sooooo happy to hear that you missed that deer! Someone was definitely looking out for your welfare. xoxo

  18. Your stone angel looks beautiful, great digital work.

  19. glad you have got a guardian angel too...lovely piece

  20. Truly beautiful, Bev! I'm glad you got home safe |& sound after your trip.

  21. i fully believe in guardian angels! your stone angel is such an exquisite piece!

  22. Really nice. I hope we all have guardian angels!

  23. I really love this angel, certainly your guardian angel!!

  24. So beautiful, Bev. Sounds like your guardian angel has been working overtime.

  25. THe first words out of my mouth were...oh appropriate indeed...what a beautiful creation!!! Just stunning!!

  26. Awesome Bev!! Love your guardian angel, and thank heaven you're safe, that must have been such a fright! We have lots of deer where I live too, which means we have to drive carefully, especially after dark.

    Take care my friend :)

  27. J'aime beaucoup ce collage Bev !
    Je suis désolée d'avoir pris beaucoup de retard avec mes visites sur votre blog ! Amicalement Mary.KG

  28. A beautiful stone angel Bev! She is perfect in the beautiful background and love the ray of light. Lovely and inspiring!

  29. Hi, I realy love ure work.
    My comps!
    Love and have a great day,
