Sunday, December 29, 2013
Take a Word - New Year
This reflects my wishes for the New Year. We all grow weary of discord, economic threats and war. May we all find hope, peace and love in our lives!! Credit for some elements to Create Wings Designs, and to Google clip art. Thanks for stopping by, and may the New Year bring you all good things!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Three Muses - Mail Art
Snail mail is becoming a thing of the past. We will lose the thrill of going to the mailbox and finding a surprise note from a friend. Maybe mail art will revive it!! I send good wishes to all my friends in blogland!!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Take a Word - Seasons Greetings
Happiest of Holidays to all my friends in Blogdom. All elements are cybersurfed, with exception of the Santa, whom I created by tracing him on wood, cutting him out with a band saw, oil painting him, and sanded to achieve an aged look. He is one of several vintage Santas I made about 25 years ago, and they grace my mantel each Christmas. I'm sure he never dreamed he'd be featured in a digital art Christmas greeting!! Thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Three Muses - White Space
I got my Christmas cards addressed today, the house is decorated, it's snowed, and I'm in a Christmas sort of mood! Credit for a couple of the elements to Creates Wings Designs. Thanks for stopping by.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Take a Word - Male
The theme was "Male" and no one said it had to be a human type male! Since it's been snowing in my world, and the cardinals have been visiting my birdfeeder, and the males are so pretty and red against the snow, I couldn't resist featuring one. I haven't seen one in a Santa hat yet, but wouldn't that be a sight to behold?? Credit to Creates Wings Designs.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Three Muses - Africa
Africa is a timely choice for our theme this week, in event of Mandela's death. He was a remarkable man, much revered by all who knew him. Too bad there aren't more such men in leadership of their countries.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Three Muses - Affirmation
I'm sorry I don't know the source of these words. They are so wise and express such life wisdom. Background is a blend of many layers, and image is an original sketch. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Take a Word - Two
Many years ago I was a member of Toastmasters, and wrote a speech entitled "What We See is What We Get". The concept was that how we perceive ourselves has a great deal to do with what we achieve. This piece for this week's Take a Word challenge is meant to illustrate that thought. Background and elements are credit to Create Wings Designs. Image is a freebie acquired long ago. Thanks for visiting me!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Three Muses - Playing Cards
This was a fun challenge, and a challenge indeed! I'm anxious to see what the other artists have done with it. Those who respond to the Three Muses challenges are an amazingly talented group of artists, who never cease to inspire me with their talents. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Take a Word - Vintage
I was happy to provide the example at Take a Word this week. Vintage is one of my favorite things, because I qualify as vintage myself. Credits: Flickr Collage Images and Create Wings Designs. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Three Muses - Gone With the Wind
I remember seeing this movie when it first came out, and the collective gasp in the theater when Rhett said "Frankly, Scarlet, I don't give a damn". Such language on the screen was unheard of. My oh my how times have changed! Margaret Mitchell did not feel the movie stayed true to her novel, but it became one of the most beloved movies of all times. It was fun to revisit it with this challenge. The montage is from Googled movie stills, and the reader is a personal sketch.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Collage Obsession - Quote
The challenge is to illustrate a quote. The quote is, in part, lyric from the song "I Hope You Dance". Credit to CR Designs for the frame, Create Wings for the stars, Elizabeth Golden for the dancer's body. The head is my own sketch. Thanks for looking!
OOPS! I didn't realize it had to be the quote given, I thought it was any quote. Sorry!
OOPS! I didn't realize it had to be the quote given, I thought it was any quote. Sorry!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Take a Word - Birds
The bird is compliments of Land of Nod (Thanks much!), and I cybersurfed for the dictionary page. Thanks for stopping to see me!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Three Muses - Footprints
Monday, November 11, 2013
Collage Obsession 11/11
I like to experiment with adding my sketched faces to "found" bodies. This is one of those experiments! Thanks for having a look!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Take a Word - Balloons

My reluctant party-goer is compliments of Land of Nod, credit for balloons to Fidlette. I love the look on this little guy's face. Wouldn't you like to read his mind? Thanks for visiting!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Three Muses - Grunge
I love grunge!! There's always a temptation to add just a splash of color, but I overcame it. Sorry, I don't remember where I got this image. I split it into two for effect, and decided to add nothing else and let it be in stark simplicity (I hope!). Thanks for visiting.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Take a Word - Heart
A bit of nonsense for this week's challenge. Bits and pieces from here and there. Thanks for your visit. Comments are appreciated.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Three Muses - Black, White & Red
I couldn't decide between the two, so I've posted them both. Most everything is from my stash, google or public domain. The zebra is from Sharing Tubes. Twins are from Magic Moonlight. Thanks for your visit!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Take a Word - Purple & Green
I opted for a bit of green grunge to go with my purple this week. Credit to Plumtuckered at Scrapbookgraphics, and to Edeen's Creations. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are always appreciated.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Three Muses - The Moon
When the moon is only a sliver and the clouds are hanging low, a fellow can imagine strange things in the dark sky......or are they only imagined?
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Take a Word - Orange
The challenge this week is ORANGE, and I decided this journal page qualifies. Sometimes I'm struck with the sameness of my days and I feel a bit bored. I usually combat it with a shopping jaunt, a new art project, an interesting book, and, if all else fails, chocolate!!! Thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Three Muses - Bottle
Our challenge at Three Muses was message in a bottle, but I put a genie in mine, I hope no one minds, and I hope I'm not boring everyone to pieces by adding my sketches to my art. I just seem to be in that mode at the moment! Credit for the bottles to Constance! Thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for your comments! I enjoy them each and every one.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Take a Word - Creepy
This trio of witches seems fascinated with the dancing skeleton. Is he dancing, or did he just flee from the haunted mansion? Hmmm A piece of art in three pieces is called a triptych. I wonder if I could call this a tripwitch??? All googled but the witches, who are my sketches. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Three Muses - Rain
As early as I can remember, I’ve loved rain. In our part of the Illinois prairie you could see the spring rain clouds building from miles away over the vast flatness, their skirts billowed out like great, clucking mother hens. By the time they reached the far edge of the cornfield beside the house, you could see the leading edge of the curtain of rain, and hear the distant patter of raindrops on the corn leaves. The patter crescendoed to a wonderful rat-tat-tat as the first big drops set off spurts of dust in the barnyard. Ah, the wonderful earthy, fresh, sweet smell of rain! Growing up, I remember sitting on the porch so I could savor every minute of a daytime shower. If the rain came at night when I was in my bed snugged up against a window under the eaves, I’d move my pillow and lie with my nose against the screen, watching the breeze toss the limbs of the old elm tree in the front yard where my rope swing hung. Summer thunderstorms were wonderful too. Sometimes the distant sky turned almost black, the clouds rolling and tumbling, shaking themselves free of lightning bolts that arced to earth over the dark, green fields, the distant rumbling thunder building to bone-jarring cracks that accompanied spectacular electrical displays as the storm moved overhead. Majestic. Magnificent. I don’t remember fear, only awe, and somehow reassurance that I was part of a great scheme of things. I still love a rainy day!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Take a Word - Australia
This montage includes Ayers rock, a Joey, the Perth skyline, an aboriginal, and a bit of the flag. Years ago, when Marie and I became friends, I learned so much about Australia that fascinated me, for example the opal mines of Coober Pedy with a climate so forbidding many of its homes, hotels and motels are underground. I loved the aboriginal lore and some of their terminology, like walkabout and belonging place. There is something beautiful about their beliefs. Ayers rock is a sacred place to them. As I'm nearing 80, I will never see Australia, but I am proud to say one of my best friends lives there!!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Three Muses - Rule of Three
Three Muses is celebrating 4 1/2 years of continuous challenges. What better way than to depict three shoppers out on the town. Background and shopper bodies credit to Finecrafted Designs, heads are my own sketches. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Take a Word - Blue
Blue can mean so many things .... a state of melancholy (I'm so blue); risque or indecent (a blue joke); a cloudless sky; freezing (blue with cold); then there's this entry, the inspiration for which came "out of the blue"; and then there's being loyal or "true blue"...and then ..... well you get the idea! I'm anxious to see where the word took everyone else!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Three Muses - Re-do
Thumbnail in lower left shows earlier work which was partially "harvested" for this piece. Interesting challenge, Judy! This was done for a challenge at our Digitalmania site, but it seemed to fit here very well. The thumbnail is, of course, the original piece which has been morphed into this one.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Three Muses - Music
When I was a child, I took piano lessons and I was a pinch hit accompanist for the hymns sung in our little country church. I haven't touched a keyboard in years. I'm sorry I didn't continue my musical journey.
The very lovely image I've used here is by Rolf Armstrong.
The very lovely image I've used here is by Rolf Armstrong.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Take a Word - Show Biz
I decided on some words of wisdom from Miss Show Biz herself, Mae West. I think I'd have loved to have lunch with Mae some time!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Three Muses - Reflections
There's something about seeing the lights of a city at night, either from across water or from high in an airplane, that makes me reflective. I lose myself in thought about all the lives represented there...the joys of birth, the grief of death, celebrations, angry confrontations...all the people swept along in the challenges of life, their stories as varied as pebbles on a beach. Maybe that's what The Bard was thinking about when he made the statement above!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Take a Word - Childhood
Who is that square little person with her sturdy little legs, chubby cheeks, and stubby little fingers? Well she did turn around and go out the door into the big, wide world. Life was good, and now she's in her sunset years ..... with sturdy legs, chubby cheeks and stubby fingers! Some things never change (sigh) ! Credit for elements to Eena's Creations.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Three Muses - Eyes
This quirky bit just sort of happened of its own free will! The man is a freebie from Land of Nod, with a new head, eyes and hat; the man on the stool is from a home decorating catalog, and the script is from a googled vintage ad. Square bits compliments of my good friend, Ozstuff. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Take a Word - Autumn
The theme this week is favorite time of year, but it seems it's coming all too fast this year. The tree outside my window has begun to drop an occasional leaf, and I see hints of color in the forest, so it seems soon there will be Fall displays such as the one above. The background is a photo I took near my home a couple of years ago, the Fall display is cybersurfed, and the scarecrow is a sketch from something I saw on the net. The words, of course, are from the song "Autumn Leaves", so beautifully sung by the irreplaceable Nat King Cole. Thanks for your visit!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Three Muses - Affirmation
Thanks to Bill for a challenging challenge this week. Two friends came over today to "play" with art supplies, and it was such a relaxing and gratifying time my affirmation became no trouble at all!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Take a Word - Time
Time is a gossamer thing. Sometimes it passes slowly and sometimes so swiftly it takes our breath away. I've always loved the stories that begin "Once upon a time", and old snapshots always recall the phrase to my mind. This old photo from Flickr Collage Images became the focus of this piece, with some elements from Create Wings Designs. I wonder what their children grew up to be ... and their children ... and their children's children who just might be your neighbors...who knows! Thanks for indulging me!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Three Muses - Steampunk
This is more BLUE FUNK than Steam Punk! Gears and such are credit to Maya at SBG, quirky fellow is from a newspaper advertisement. Thanks for visiting!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Take a Word - Warm Colors
Several layers here of things long in my folders, the frame is credit to Lorie Davison (SBG), though greatly altered. I've misplaced the source for the image, sad to say. If anyone can clue me in, please do so! Thanks for visiting!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Three Muses - Text
We're to use text in our art this week. Background here is googled grunge, image credit to Sharing Tubes, overlay by L.Bavin. Thanks for visiting!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Take a Word - Wild Animal
I chose to take a whimsical route for this week's challenge. My charming elephant was gleaned from the coloring book pages at, then zentangled, scanned and placed onto a background with elements from Fidlette and Irene Alexeeva. Isn't he a saucy fellow?
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Three Muses - Circles and Squares
I found my own challenge both fun and frustrating. Background and houses are credit to Create Wings Designs, bubbles are from Photo Impact U-Lead software. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to figure out how to tell it where to put the bubbles. It has a mind of its own, ergo some of the bubbles are not where I would want them to be! Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Take a Word - Dark
This week's challenge was to create something dark. I think I've scared myself! Background is from Creative Commons, image is public domain, mouse is Holliewood Studios. Thanks for stopping by. I'm going now to think some happy thoughts!!
I had all sorts of troubles posting this. There seemed to be cybergremlins abounding in Blogger. Lucky to get this small one posted!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Three Muses - The Sea
The sea holds her mysteries indeed. My art is a tribute to the legend of the Mary Celeste, an 1870 brigantine which set sail for Genoa, Italy with a cargo of American alcohol, the captain and crew, as well as the captain's wife and daughter on board. The ship was later found, midway in its voyage, abandoned and adrift, with no explanation of what happened to those on board. Perhaps the Mary Celeste inspired the poem (in part) that follows, by Henry Clay Work. Background photo by George Dimietriv with three blended overlays from Google.
On a summer's day when the sea was rippled
By a soft and gentle breeze
A ship set sail for a harbor laden
To a port beyond the seas.
There were fond farewells and loving signals
While her form was yet discerned
But they knew not 'twas a solemn parting
For the ship that never returned.
Did she ever return? No she never returned.
And her fate is yet unlearned.
And for years and years fond hearts are waiting
For the ship that never returned.
Thank you for visiting and listening to my little tale!
On a summer's day when the sea was rippled
By a soft and gentle breeze
A ship set sail for a harbor laden
To a port beyond the seas.
There were fond farewells and loving signals
While her form was yet discerned
But they knew not 'twas a solemn parting
For the ship that never returned.
Did she ever return? No she never returned.
And her fate is yet unlearned.
And for years and years fond hearts are waiting
For the ship that never returned.
Thank you for visiting and listening to my little tale!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Take a Word - Pink
I love the combination of pink and black. The mask I've used is credit to Kubivet. My mother's garden always had a section of what she called "pinks". They were a perennial from the carnation family, and lent a lovely wave of pink to a corner of her garden. I hadn't thought of mother's "pinks" until this challenge, Marie. Thank you for that!
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